Monday, May 5, 2008

Because I can...

I decided the only way I can really express my feelings toward the Coen Brothers is through Haikus, so, please, enjoy, it won't be difficult.

Oh Joel and Ethan
What you do, just cause you can
You have my applause.

I just felt that in all three movies there were many instances where I thought the Coen Brothers made plot or artistic decisions, just because they could. Not that I really blame them, I suppose if I was of their elite caliber, I would probably enjoy messing with peoples heads, and leaving things to interpretation. I do find so amusement in watching people get so worked up about something that they start to try to defend it through physics, and I especially enjoy it when they clearly know nothing about physics, and can't understand that while the Coen Brothers are Geniuses they can't manipulate laws of physics (unless of course they used my law of physics breaking powers.) I am of course referring to the scene in No Country for Old Men where Bell goes to confront Chigurh. Part of me just wants to think that that the Coen Brothers enjoyed confusing people and making them feel inferior and incompetent once again. So no, I'm not going to debate where the heck Chigurh was, cause frankly, my theory is he had an invisibility cloak...think about it!

Razing Arizona:

An organized mess
Rrelatively positive
Whintey! could bear it.

I would have to say Razing Arizona did not prepare me in the least for the film to follow. While the movie had guns, it was represented in a far less threatening way, and a was surprisingly upbeat in a Coen Brother way. The movie didn't demonstrate the usual "happily ever after," but considering the actions taken by H.I. the movie defiantly ended on a positive note, and had a much happier optimistic ending that the movies that would follow.


Put that ax down please...
Where do they come up with this
Wood chipper? Really?

I don't know if it was possible to prepare myself for Fargo. Not only the mass of blood, but the horrible Minnesotan accents, that I refuse to believe are based on reality. I wish they could have provided me with some comic relief, but I had a hard time enjoying anything between, wood chippers, face wounds, and crying child.

No Country for Old men:

Break the silence please,
I'm going to pee my pants
Chigurh really needs a friend.

Oh wow. I think the order in which we watched the three films was interesting because I think there was a progression from noise to silence. I still can't decided if Chigurh is more creepy when he talks, or when he doesn't, but I can say for certain that the long spaces of silence in the film were very unsettling. Razing Arizona had a lot more sound compared to No Country for Old Men, where little dialogue, and no background music accompanied the dark corners. So if Chigurh's tank didn't make you tense, the silences were there to fix that.

I think the scariest a part about No Country for Old Men is that I might of actually enjoyed it... but I haven't decided yet.

And Chigurh, If you're out there somewhere, let's be friends, it would make this world much more pleasant.


FlameBurger said...

Lol. "Razing Arizona." Burn it to the ground!!!

Kate said...

Manute Njorge. You are my hero. I cannot help but love these haikus. Straightforward yet really insightful. Clever yet deep. Ahh, yes. This is what blogging should be like. Also, I totally agree with what you said about the Coen brothers. They do what they do becase they can. There is nothing else to it. They have the ability, they see an opportunity, they seize it. Straight up. The way it should be.

whitney! said...

i love your haikus.